
A perfect working environment through the power of collaboration

Integrated overall solution in collaboration with other online specialist software, such as Twinfield, Exact Online, NetDocuments, Epona DMSforLegal, Epona ContactManager, and iManage Work. In doing so, Legalsense ensures the seamless exchange of data. 


Top of the bill

While Legalsense focuses on managing your clients and matters, other SaaS providers take care of the remaining aspects of your practice. A full range of online packages for each business activity is available to the legal profession — CRM, document management, file management, accounting, email, and timekeeping. Legalsense integrates your personal choices into an overall solution to your liking.

Legalsense Integrations


Legalsense offers integration with different providers of online accounting software. Data between Legalsense and these programs are automatically exchanged in the background, and there is also a banking link. This combination results in a powerful solution for practice management and financial management that avoids duplicate (input) work.

Document management

Fully digital file management is now an integral part of the legal profession. Legalsense works with several players in the market for document management and document creation. Data in Legalsense are exchanged, so there is no need to enter anything twice.

Customer Relationship Management

The personal relationship with your client is becoming increasingly important. More and more, firms working to optimize the client experience are choosing to do so with a CRM package. Legalsense connects with CRM packages and ensures seamless data exchange.

Best of all worlds

Professionals are increasingly choosing specialized SaaS providers that excel in a subcomponent of a fully digital work environment. These providers combine the best of all worlds in a working environment tailored to your firm. Together with our partners, we ensure seamless integration of your choices. 