
Uncomplicated and personal

Clarity and simplicity are crucial for getting the most out of a timekeeping system. Do you want to search for previously recorded timelines quickly? Enter the time spent — anytime and anywhere. With the Legalsense app, this becomes child's play. Whether you are on your sofa at home, in court, or on vacation: no phone call or email will be forgotten.


Smooth, fast, and easy timekeeping, even on the road

Clarity and simplicity are crucial elements for optimal use of a timekeeping system. Want to quickly search for previously recorded time lines? Enter time spent — anytime and anywhere? With the Legalsense app, this becomes child's play. Whether you are on your sofa at home, in court, or on vacation: no phone call or email is forgotten.


Select your preferences

How does a legal professional want to record time? This question is at the heart of Legalsense. We provide you with the four most popular timekeeping methods: desktop, mobile, calendar, and timelines. You will always find a way that suits you and makes timekeeping much easier.

Modern design

And, not entirely unimportant: The Legalsense Mobile app for timekeeping is state-of-the-art, extremely intuitive, and therefore very easy to use. This makes Legalsense attractive for every legal professional.

Setting fixed fees and budgets

More and more law firms are working with alternative rate structures, such as fixed fees. Keeping an eye on actual costs versus the price agreement is a breeze in Legalsense.

How productive are you?

The hours worked are linked to the related matters. Legalsense always displays directly the most recently recorded activities. This gives you an immediate insight into your productivity and whether everything has been entered correctly. You can also use Legalsense to reflect on  your billable and non-billable time. 
